Monday, February 25, 2008

Bimble down the lake...

Well I awoke with a bit of a soar throat and cough this morning, nothing like the full blown 'man flu' Steve had developed back in Christchurch, however, I decided to have a day off from cycling, give my body a rest and take a gentle bimble down the side of the lake.

It was actually nice to get back into the unspoilt bush. Travelling with a road bike makes it difficult to go anywhere a car can't go. I've been pulling off the road to find campsites and lunch spots, but it's always been within easy reach of a road and this usually means coming across the general detritus that some people who drive, seem unable to pack up into their cars and take home. I've noticed that it's very unusual to find any litter further than a 20 minute or so walk down a trail, so it was nice today to get back into the unspoilt bush even if it were only 4 or 5 miles.

Things weren't without their nuisances though, the wind had dropped a bit and the sandflies were out in abundance! Not only that, but I was just peaceably minding my own business when unbeknown to me a wasp crawled into my shirt and did what most wasps will do when cornered in a tight spot, while I did what most people do......... yelped in pain and swore a lot!

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