Sunday, January 13, 2008

Dreary Day

It's dreary looking out at the wind and rain! Last night I camped up on the South Downs, it wasn't dreary then! I mean 'camped' in the loosest sense of the word. Really I just set up my 3 season ultralight 'tarptent' during a lull in the howling wind and rain. Then sat inside it for a couple of hours until the wind broke one of the supporting struts and the thing caved in on me. I heaped all my wet gear into my pack and hoofed it down the track in horizontal rain to meet a cab which I called from the shelter of a lone hawthorn bush.

So the tent I'm taking to New Zealand for 7 weeks is broken, ah well, probably won't need it anyway! The sun always shines in the land of the long white cloud, unless it's been obscured by ...
