Friday, February 29, 2008

Onwards to Nelson...

Well after a very relaxing couple of days in the Riwaka valley I headed off to Nelson. I'd made quite a poor job of estimating distances and time, and though I'd got up here fairly easily in just a few days cycling, they had been quite long days and I hadn't really realized that going over the top to the Sounds and then down the east coast would be another 8 or 900km or so! The Sounds would have to wait, I booked a ticket on the Southern Link bus which can get my bike in the huge luggage hold and get me back to Christchurch for Saturday afternoon.

The actual ride down from Motueka to Nelson was quite alright, I had envisaged lots of fruit and logging trucks along that main road, but in general it was fine. At Richmond through to Stoke the road is lined by industrial units and I was not looking forward to the last 15km into town. It turned out to be a great ride, the road gave way to a tree lined cycle path built from the old-train track which took me hassle free almost into the city centre. I checked into a city centre backpackers, (one I had stayed at 18 years ago) and tuned into the weather forecast: Southerly>Nor'westerly>Southerly - that's cold rain>warm rain in the high country > then more cold rain!

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