Sunday, January 13, 2008

Dreary Day

It's dreary looking out at the wind and rain! Last night I camped up on the South Downs, it wasn't dreary then! I mean 'camped' in the loosest sense of the word. Really I just set up my 3 season ultralight 'tarptent' during a lull in the howling wind and rain. Then sat inside it for a couple of hours until the wind broke one of the supporting struts and the thing caved in on me. I heaped all my wet gear into my pack and hoofed it down the track in horizontal rain to meet a cab which I called from the shelter of a lone hawthorn bush.

So the tent I'm taking to New Zealand for 7 weeks is broken, ah well, probably won't need it anyway! The sun always shines in the land of the long white cloud, unless it's been obscured by ...



larry lightning said...

Hi Rich

Glad you tried out in advance.

Any news for us oglers in sunny but chilly blighty?

Will you put up the photo of your prototype bike hod?


Lord Tea said...

Hey Mr Lightning!
Greetings from the anitpodes! It may be chilly in blighty, but it's plipin' ploppin' down here, the southerly is going on and on and looks like the wedding boat cruise may be a bit of a damp squib!

No shots yet of the bike hod, gone with the new lightweight pannier set, it's good to get reaquainted with the ole' Roberts clubman, the Brooks saddle still fits my derrier! think you'd appreciated the ultegra groupset, Penny would like the colour!
Catch ya later
Lordy Lordy